Kuten tapahtuman isäntäblogissa todetaan:

The first site finishes!

Liminka School of Art stopped drawing 7.10. at noon.

The first to finish her job was Leila Arvola who needed time 12 hours 10 minutes. But she did minor fixing afterwards.

- There were 18 people hanging around and drawing
- 14 of them tried seriously to produce 24 pages
- 9 students made the whole 24 pages

Total amount of pages: 249

Finishing participants:
Laila Arvola 24
Maria Davidjuk 24
Miila Heinonen 24
Niina Holopainen 24
Jaana Kekkonen 9 (strips)
Miisa Lopperi 24
Heidi Makkonen 24
Mikko Mäkelä 24
Johanna Pennanen 24
Nelli Telkkinen 24
Laura Tulima 24

Hain Muhoksen porukat kotiin. Ei siitä sen enempää. Pakataan kopiot ja lähetetään Scott McCloudille.